About Me

Gunnar Bengtsson, site owner

About me…

Hi, I am Gunnar, and I want to welcome you to my website, Choice Dog Breeders.  I am the face and voice of this site and I am so glad you dropped by!

If you are here, you probably love dogs as much as I do, and want to learn more about a particular breed you are interested in – would that breed be right for you?

It depends on your own circumstances, and your experience with dogs.

Perhaps you just want to learn more about all the purebred dogs of the world, and even something about the many hybrid breeds that are available. 

Did you know that there were over 400+ breeds listed by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale?

If you are interested in a new canine companion, knowing what to expect from a particular dog breed is very important. You want to have the MAXIMUM fun from your dog, with the least hassle.

Knowing as much as possible about a breed BEFORE you buy will make your decision much easier, and result in a much higher chance of a successful relationship with your new buddy.

Sadly many dogs end up in shelters because their owners did not understand them.  Often these owners just didn’t do their “homework” before adopting or purchasing their dog.

I hope to help everyone who visits this site understand how important it is to research a breed first to be sure they are compatible. 

All puppies are adorable, wouldn’t you agree?  Many people see a cuddly puppy and forget that the puppy will grow into an unruly adolescent and then an adult who may be hard to manage if the owner hasn’t taken the time or made the effort to train the dog correctly, according to its breed.

From previous site owner Richard

Our Lagotto Romagnolo loves the water.

Here is where we come in. You see, we’ve been dog lovers for our whole lives, and have owned many dogs between us. Big ones, little ones, fluffy ones, wiry ones – there is something irresistible about every dog!

I have personally owned 2 Labrador Retrievers, and a Rhodesian Ridgeback. My partner has owned Lurchers and Cocker Spaniels, and we have both looked after various other breeds for friends during holidays, such as German Shepherds, a Boxer/Great Dane cross, and various small dogs.

So we have loads of experience with dogs!

We have also engaged the help of breeders, dog professionals and vets in various pages of this website, to make sure we give you accurate and safe information.

I want to help you find the RIGHT BREED for YOU!

I hope you find my website educational and useful. Remember, a dog is for life!